Developed by EasyStore
Integrate sharing tools into your store and provides analytics for insight into your audience.
AddThis is not just a social sharing tool. It is a platform that offers various marketing tools that can be integrated into your website which helps in increasing engagement and conversion for your business with just a few clicks.
What can AddThis do for you:
- Follow & Share button: AddThis maximizes shares by personalizing the social media each visitor uses the most, making sure your content can be shared all over the world.
- Pop up banner: Use Promotion Buttons and Link Promotion to increase engagement and convert your visitors into customers.
- Subscription box: Use List Building to capture leads with support with the most popular email marketing integrations.
- Donation collection: Allow your visitors to tip you, and you can collect the payment via most of the trusted payment platforms: PayPal.me, AmazonSmile, Venmo, Square Cash, Patreon.
- 追踪和分享:只需一個按鈕,客戶就能輕易地追踪您的粉絲專頁,分享您的商品
- 彈出式框框:現在不只是訂閱電子報,我們提供彈出式導向框。您現在可以透過彈出視框,提醒客戶PWP活動內容來促成更多訂單!
- 打賞按鈕:一個按鈕,隨便打賞。AddThis 按鈕讓您的客戶可以透過“打賞”功能,轉賬到您的戶口,給予獎勵。