Instagram Feed
Developed by EasyStore
Display your Instagram Profile in your website 在您的網站中顯示您的 Instagram 貼文
About Instagram Feed
Instagram Feed is a useful tool that will show your Instagram account photo at your webstore, Customers can click on the image, and it will direct customers to your Instagram account.
- Interact - Display Instagram pictures at your homepage, showing with the likes & comments
- Easy to Connect - Just Install the app and log in to your Instagram account
- Content Enhancement - Instagram feed will auto-update your latest photo at your account, and the image will be displayed at your Online Store to enhance the website content
Why Instagram Feed?
Instagram is considered to be the best social media platform for engagement or your ability as a brand to connect with your followers. It's visual, simple and it's attracting the younger generations more than other social media platforms. Instagram can go beyond just visuals, and Instagram Feed will allow you to engage your customers and also promote your Instagram page
關於Instagram Feed
Instagram Feed讓可以在您的品牌官網展示您的Instagram帳戶中的照片,客戶可以透過單擊該圖像,去定向到您的 Instagram帳戶。
- 展示互動 - 在您的官網上顯示Instagram圖片貼文,顯示您的追蹤者所留下的喜歡和評論
- 易於串接 - 只需安裝應用程序並登入到您的Instagram帳戶,即可完成整個安裝流程
- 增強內容 - Instagram Feed將會自動更新您的主頁中的最新照片,這些圖片貼文將顯示在您的品牌官網中以增強網站內容
為什麼您應該使用Instagram Feed?
Instagram被認為是如今最好的社交媒體平台,擁有超過1,200,000,000的用戶,您可以使用Instagram Feed去您建立起品牌與您的追蹤者的聯繫。 Instagram Feed直觀、簡單,並且比其他社交媒體平台更能吸引年輕一代的受眾,還讓您能夠將客戶推廣並導流到您的Instagram主頁。