Sales Pop
Developed by EasyStore
Sales Pop displays recent sales notification automatically in your online store. Sales Pop 會在您的在線商店中自動顯示最近的銷售通知。
Sales Pop Up is an influential marketing tool to boost your sales. It shows real-time sale notifications to convince your visitors with a trustworthy-store impression to make the purchases.
Why add Sales Pop to your website?
1. Raise a Sense of Urgency - Visitors are able to receive the recent trend sales notifications of your products which create a positive push to start purchasing from your store before it’s out of stock.
2. Create Social Proof - Unbiased reviews from third parties will significantly affect the buying decisions of the shoppers. Sales Pop injects more confidence for shoppers to make purchases with powerful social proof.
3. Increase Order Value - Sales Pop drives the buyers towards the products that frequently bought together by other customers with a quick preview of product suggestions.
Sales Pop Up 是一種有影響力的行銷工具,可促進您的銷售。它會顯示即時的銷售通知,以值得信賴的商店印像說服訪客進行購買。
為什麼要在您的網站上添加 Sales Pop?
1. 提高緊迫感 - 顧客能夠收到您產品的最新趨勢銷售通知,這會積極推動客戶在缺貨之前開始購買。
2. 創建社交證明 - 來自第三方的公正評論將顯著影響購物者的購買決定。 Sales Pop為購物者註入了更多信心,讓他們通過強大的社交證明進行購買。
3. 增加訂單價值 - Sales Pop 通過快速預覽產品建議,將買家推向其他客戶經常一起購買的產品。