Dikembangkan oleh EasyStore
Start chatting and track your progress at the same time! 開始聊天並同追蹤踪您的進度!
Message Your Visitors in Real Time
tawk.to is a FREE messaging app that lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.
1 Minute setup
Copy a simple line of Javascript in to the html of your website and the chat widget starts working instantly.
Start Chatting
Login to the dashboard to invite members of your team, create shortcuts and to start chatting with your visitors.
Track Progress
Monitor and track you and your teams progress over time, review chat history, and check performance in analytics.
Mobile Supported
Download the mobile app from iOS AppStore or Google Play. Reply your website visitor through your smartphones.
There is much more you can do, visit the website tawk.to find out more features and why it is completely free.
tawk.to 是一款免費的消息傳遞應用程序,可讓您監控網站上的訪問者並與訪問者聊天。
1 分鐘設置
將一行簡單的 Javascript 複製到您網站的 html 中,聊天小工具立即開始工作。
登錄 dashboard 以邀請團隊成員、創建快捷方式並開始與訪客聊天。
從 iOS AppStore 或 Google Play 下載手機端應用程序。 通過智能手機回覆網站訪問者。
還有許多功能等待您探索,請訪問 tawk.to 以了解更多詳細訊息,以及為什麼它完全免費。