AutoCount On the Go (AOTG)
พัฒนาโดย EasyStore
Synchronise orders, products, and refunds, with your AOTG-enabled AutoCount Accounting
- AutoCount Accounting 2.0 or AutoCount Accounting 1.X (the account book itself, but it's offline)
- AutoCount On The Go [Basic] (it is an add-on service to AutoCount Accounting, making it online so that this app can sync your data across)
- AutoCount On The Go has to be running and online for any synchronisation to work. (similar to the availability of its web dashboard)
- This app is not compatible with AutoCount Cloud Accounting
Synchronise orders, products, and refunds, with your AOTG-enabled AutoCount Accounting
- Newly created products/variants will auto create a linked StockItem at AutoCount
- Linked products/variants, when changed will auto sync (barcode, weight, weight unit, price, cost price, inventory quantity) to linked StockItem at AutoCount
- Merchant can manage linking/unlinking and manually sync outward/inward
- Merchant can import StockItem as product to EasyStore
- EasyStore’s product SKU corresponds to StockItem’s ItemCode (required field, unique)
- Newly paid orders will auto create a linked SalesInvoice at AutoCount
- Newly created partial/full refunds will create a CreditNote at AutoCount