Sell more than Lazada
with EasyStore
Import your products from Lazada and sync to more sales channels to grow your sales.
开始How EasyStore helps you to sell more
Lazada Sellers favourite features in EasyStore
How it works?
使用 EasyStore 后,一切都变得更方便,因为一切都在一个平台上。我可以为来到我的实体店的顾客提供服务,同时,他们也可以从我的在线商店订购。
Miss Shortcakes Jessica — Founder -
EasyStore 平台的功能适应了当地的商业环境,并且是最新的,易于使用,正如其名字所暗示的那样!
Lily’s Homemade Vicky & Sam — Founders