Atome x EasyStore
Why Choose Atome?
Bigger Baskets
Shoppers get to stretch their dollar and fill their baskets when they pay less upfront.
30%+ increase in average basket size -
Better Conversions
Shoppers purchase what they want right away, with less hesitation and more flexibility.
12-17% increase in order conversion -
Brand New Shoppers
70% of our shoppers are mobile-first, digital savvy Gen Z & millenials. Make them yours too.
25%+ of sales are directed from Atome -
Drive Repeat Visits
Accept both credit and debit card.
85%+ of shoppers returned to retailers who offered BNPL service
Exclusive Promo
Leading buy now pay later brand
Launched in December 2019, Atome is pronounced "A-To-Me" and stands for "Available to Me". We partner over 5,000 leading online and offline retailers across fashion, beauty, lifestyle, fitness and homeware. Our service is available in 9 markets across Southeast Asia and Greater China.

使用 EasyStore 建立品牌網店將近一年,這樣的功能換算外面行情價格簡直超高 CP 值,後台使用上也很方便,客服也都會耐心回答。除此之外也可以鑲嵌小外掛跟撰寫程式碼,在金物流串接上也都很方便操作,絕對是適合初入店商的新手來做架設。
theplus 台灣專櫃高級帆布包品牌 -
開設實體店數月後,因為疫情的衝擊,決定透過 EasyStore 結合線上與線下銷售。噗比媽會在線上定時分享線下實體活動詳情來與追蹤者互動,Poopyland 也會定時舉辦新手教室線下活動,再利用 EasyStore 客戶關係管理功能鼓勵客戶註冊為會員,以收集客戶資料進行深入經營及再行銷。
Poopyland 噗比媽 — 創辦人
喜歡 EasyStore 的品牌
50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 國家地區
200+ 應用擴充
80+ 生態夥伴