Powerful Platform to Grow Your Business
Allow customers to make self-purchase on Facebook. One-click builds your Facebook Shop by syncing product catalog from EasyStore. Auto-update your business with complete product information, inventory, and orders within your EasyStore dashboard.
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Get discovered by Instagram shoppers who are searching for similar products. EasyStore Facebook Marketing helps to speed up the process of enabling Instagram Shopping. Tag your products to create shoppable posts and stories. How to skip the lengthy verification process? Use our Bio Shop to instantly create an Instagram alike store.
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Convert traffics from one of the world most popular app into sales and reach highly targeted customers via TikTok. EasyStore supports syncing products and centralizes your TikTok order and inventory management.
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Essential features in one platform
非常推薦 EasyStore 給電商新手,尤其有商品及金物流整合需求的人,都很適合使用。在 EasyStore 這邊有專業的團隊協助,出現任何問題都能隨時與客服反映,金流和物流很方便,商品上架的部分也很喜歡。總的來說,使用 EasyStore 下來能夠減去很多不必要的手動工作。
Spet 思皮特_寵物 -
開設實體店數月後,因為疫情的衝擊,決定透過 EasyStore 結合線上與線下銷售。噗比媽會在線上定時分享線下實體活動詳情來與追蹤者互動,Poopyland 也會定時舉辦新手教室線下活動,再利用 EasyStore 客戶關係管理功能鼓勵客戶註冊為會員,以收集客戶資料進行深入經營及再行銷。
Poopyland 噗比媽 — 創辦人