Rising Stars Program

Create new Malaysia entrepreneurs

Whether you're a startup founder, a seasoned entrepreneur, or an ecommerce maven, we want to hear your story!

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Create new Malaysia entrepreneurs | EasyStore

About Rising Stars Program

At EasyStore, we believe that the true measure of our success lies in the achievements of our users. We are humbled by the countless entrepreneurs who have chosen us to build their dreams upon.
Rising Stars Program is our way of recognizing and empowering our incredible community of users. Now, we want to celebrate your journey and help you inspire more Malaysia entrepreneurs!

About Rising Stars Program | EasyStore

Become the next rising star

  • Share Your Story

    Post on your social media platform about your unique business journey, and tips. Share the challenges, the milestones you've achieved, and how EasyStore has been a game-changer for your growth.

  • Tag Us and Spread The Words

    Don't forget to tag us and use the hashtag #EasyStoreRisingStars in your posts. This way, we can find your story and share it with our broader community.

  • Inspire The Community

    You have the liberty to express your creativity freely when creating your posts and you never know it will inspire others to embark on their own commerce adventures.

Become the next rising star | EasyStore

The supports for rising stars

  • Event Access for Networking opportunities

    Create a customized menu that promptly addresses customers' initial inquiries. Iit simplifies their buying journey and offers a personalized shopping experience like no other.

  • Receive Monthly Perks

    Unlock the potential of Messenger to expand your reach and retarget customers. It guides prospects into meaningful conversations with your business, empowering you to achieve greater result.

  • Be Featured on Media and Community

    Unlock the potential of Messenger to expand your reach and retarget customers. It guides prospects into meaningful conversations with your business, empowering you to achieve greater result.

The supports for rising stars | EasyStore

Rising Stars Spotlight

  •  @owndesignbook  | EasyStore


  •  @kyrashahrol  | EasyStore



  • theplus 台灣專櫃高級帆布包品牌 | EasyStore
    使用 EasyStore 建立品牌網店將近一年,這樣的功能換算外面行情價格簡直超高 CP 值,後台使用上也很方便,客服也都會耐心回答。除此之外也可以鑲嵌小外掛跟撰寫程式碼,在金物流串接上也都很方便操作,絕對是適合初入店商的新手來做架設。
    theplus 台灣專櫃高級帆布包品牌
  • JOMO Coffee | EasyStore
    只要是需要金物流的實體商品銷售的商家,都非常推薦使用 EasyStore!EasyStore 除了能夠讓商家設置客製化的首頁及官網設計以外,一站式的操作可以讓商家輕鬆串接多個銷售渠道。像是如果有粉絲頁的商家,也可以輕鬆串接,加上蝦皮購物這些渠道在串接起來都非常方便。
    JOMO Coffee Angus — 創辦人