Sell across multiple marketplaces
Manage all your marketplaces in one platform
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Marketplace integrations in EasyStore
Manage multiple marketplaces with ease
One Backend For Everything
Manage all marketplaces from a single backend system. This eliminates the need to switch between different platforms and streamlines your operations.
Live Update Products, Orders, Customers
Every action made will be live-updated across all marketplaces. It can ensure details are accurate and maintain a seamless shopping experience for customers.
Streamline Orders Management
Process and fulfill orders from different marketplaces. Quickly view order details, track statuses, and manage shipping and logistics from EasyStore.

Essential features for marketplace integrations
Grow your business further
Ecommerce and Retail Management
Manage marketplaces, online stores, and retail businesses effortlessly in one unified platform, streamlining inventory, orders, sales, and customer management.
Pop-Up Store Ready Solution
Sell anywhere, anytime with EasyStore mPOS system. Whether it's at pop-up stores, markets, or retail outlets, use your phones, tablets, or terminals to conduct transactions.
Unified Membership Program
Reward your valued customers with membership-based perks such as points, gifts, discounts, and vouchers, fostering long-term relationships to generate more repeat purchases.

这些人氣品牌都选择使用 EasyStore
使用 EasyStore 建立品牌網店將近一年,這樣的功能換算外面行情價格簡直超高 CP 值,後台使用上也很方便,客服也都會耐心回答。除此之外也可以鑲嵌小外掛跟撰寫程式碼,在金物流串接上也都很方便操作,絕對是適合初入店商的新手來做架設。
theplus 台灣專櫃高級帆布包品牌 -
EasyStore has made building and managing our ecommerce website incredibly straightforward, enhancing our customers' satisfaction with every visit.
Laura Jewel Medalyn Low — Brand Founder