Flower & Tea House

A bold deep and gold theme color brings a sense of luxury and grace for product photos.

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Flower & Tea House | EasyStore

Theme Features

  •  Flexible logo alignment  | EasyStore
    Flexible logo alignment

    Adjust brand logo placement with your preferred aligment.

  •  Vertical menu dropdown  | EasyStore
    Vertical menu dropdown

    Feature all main and child menu in drop-down vertical display.

我们的品牌商家创造了12,330,889,820 的营业额

50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 国家地区
200+ 扩充应用
80+ 生态伙伴


  • AkuDesign | EasyStore
    EasyStore has transformed the way we interact with our customers. It's streamlined our inventory management and integrated all sales channels, enhancing customer satisfaction across the board.
    AkuDesign Amirel Amen bin Anuar — Brand Founder
  • KIVAS 療癒生活 | EasyStore
    我們非常感謝 EasyStore 提供了一個這麼好的平台讓我們可以自由的去打造專屬自己的官網,讓我們的品牌能夠更完整地被呈現出來。非常推薦 EasyStore 給剛創業或富有品牌自我個性的商家們,因為除了門檻低以外,佈景主題版型也非常豐富多元,適合各類品牌去套用。
    KIVAS 療癒生活 Raymond & Ana — 創辦人