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这些人氣品牌都选择使用 EasyStore
50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 国家地区
200+ 扩充应用
80+ 生态伙伴
After using EasyStore, everything is more convenient as everything is under one roof. I can get to serve the customers that walked in to my physical store and at the same time, they can also order from my online store.
Miss Shortcakes Jessica — Brand Founder -
使用 EasyStore 之後,銷售就變成簡化了,等於是在自己的官網銷售,就會有自己的企圖。這樣一個好處就是能讓消費者覺得我們是相對來說較有規模的公司,而不僅僅是掛在賣場上售賣而已。我覺得透過官網經營自己的品牌,對於消費者的忠誠度會有一定的影響。
Madoca 瑪朵卡 Giant — 創辦人