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这些人氣品牌都选择使用 EasyStore
50K+ 品牌商家
30+ 国家地区
200+ 扩充应用
80+ 生态伙伴
After using EasyStore, everything is more convenient as everything is under one roof. I can get to serve the customers that walked in to my physical store and at the same time, they can also order from my online store.
Miss Shortcakes Jessica — Brand Founder -
只要是需要金物流的實體商品銷售的商家,都非常推薦使用 EasyStore!EasyStore 除了能夠讓商家設置客製化的首頁及官網設計以外,一站式的操作可以讓商家輕鬆串接多個銷售渠道。像是如果有粉絲頁的商家,也可以輕鬆串接,加上蝦皮購物這些渠道在串接起來都非常方便。
JOMO Coffee Angus — 創辦人