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Teh Eng Jin

Teh Eng Jin, a Chemical Engineering graduate from the University of Malaya, founded ABR Group and 怪兽学堂, an industry-leading digital consultancy. With over 20 years of business experience and a decade as an online marketing mentor, he's steered 100+ brands into the online realm.

His logical mindset and technical social media expertise yield practical solutions and optimal digital marketing outcomes. Eng Jin's achievements also include representing Malaysian food producers in collaborations with major Chinese marketplaces and speaking at Matrade's Cross-Border E-commerce Forum.

Teh Eng Jin | EasyStore

数码决策力 Digital Marketing Mindset

Teh Eng Jin
一门专为企业决策人以及核心团队 #MonsterUP 数码营销思维而设的实战性课程,为你深度剖析,且重构正确的数码思维,让你从中获得启发,以便在竞争激烈的 ONLINE 市场,再次攀上数码营销的高峰!

  1. 数码全局观
  2. 大数据攻略
  3. 数码消费趋势
  4. 懂得摆 《P.O.S.E》 就能大卖

企业数码战略 Digital Excellence Programme

Teh Eng Jin
一个专为企业决策人以及核心团队 #MonsterUP 数码营销思维,让你获得启发,并有效提升与精进数码营销技能而设的实战性课程。

  1. 数码全局观 - Digital Marketing Framework
  2. 大数据攻略 - Big Data & Digital Marketing Strategy
  3. 数码消费趋势 - Customer Journey
  4. 懂得摆 《P.O.S.E》 就能大卖 - Effective Marketing Methodology
  5. 沟通策略 - Communication Strategy
  6. 文案+设计:内容攻略 - Content Strategy
  7. 搜寻攻略 - Search Strategy
  8. Facebook 系统营销学 - Facebook Marketing
  9. 玩转 Instagram 营销 - Instagram Marketing
  10. 客服攻略 - Customer Support & Strategy
  11. 社群管理 – 维护数码商业生态的金钥匙 - Social Management Strategy