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Announcement Bar | EasyStore

Announcement Bar

開發者: EasyStore

An announcement bar that displays custom promotions or store updates to gain visibility on your important messages. 公告欄

An effective way to let your website introduce the buyers there’s a promotion or a discount offer running in the store. A live countdown timer is now added to create urgency for the shoppers on your special events when landed at your store.

  • Drive awareness of a deal or promotion: Always keeping them informed of your business update, store promotions, key announcements that might match their interest.

  • Simple setup: Never ask you to edit template files. Install and create the content. Adjust the preferred colors and save them. It’s ready to display.

  • Increased customer engagement: Connect your store audience directly with personalized content in the announcement bar by highlighting your prepared events.


  • 提高對促銷優惠的關注度:保持讓客戶了解您的業務更新、商店促銷以及可能符合他們興趣的重要公告。 
  • 簡單的設置:絕對不會要求您編輯模板文件,只要安裝並創建內容、調整您喜愛的顏色並保存,即可開始顯示。 
  • 提高客戶參與度:通過您準備強打的活動,將商店顧客直接與公告欄中的個性化內容連結起來。