Smartarget Weibo - Follow Us
Get more Weibo followers.
Smartarget FAQ
Provide answers and increase users trust in your website
Smartarget Social Proof Sales
Make users think that there are currently on going sales
OnVoard Product Recommender
Frequently Bought Together, Also Bought, Recently Viewed
Riipay Product Widget
Display Riipay custom product price, including instalment information.
Product Property 進階規格選項
Offer extra property to sell customized products. 提供額外的工具來銷售需客製化的產品。
OnVoard Prompt: Email Popups & Upsell
Popups to capture email and upsell. . Highly customizable!
Send WhatsApp messages in bulk + Chat widget (WhatsApp, LINE, Messenger) for your store
Digital Loyalty Platform - Convert new customers into returning customers using memberships and digital rewards.
TikTok - Follow Us
Get more TikTok followers!
Facebook - Follow Us
Get more Facebook followers
Better manage your multichannel business and grow your e-commerce reach with PayRecon's E-Commerce Management System.
Smartarget Weibo - Contact Us
Allow customers to contact you using Weibo
Easy Pop Up
Add a pop-up box to your website to help notify visitors about ongoing promotions / announcements. 公告彈跳窗
Insert Code
Add custom code into <head> and before </body>. 將自訂程式碼加入 <head> 裡 和 </body> 之前
Smartarget Reviews
Increase users trust by showing website reviews
Smartarget Contact Us
Add all contact us in one click: Whatsapp, Messenger, Viber, Email and more.
Barcode Label
Barcode Label allows you to easily generate and print barcode labels for your products.
頂尖POS設備 x EasyStore, 實體門市 x 線上商城,服務整合、輕鬆管理!
1 Utama Shopping Mall
Synchronise retail store sales to 1 Utama Shopping Mall system
Gurney Plaza Shopping Mall
Synchronise retail store sales to Gurney Plaza Shopping Mall system
KL East Mall
Synchronise retail store sales to KL East Mall system
The Exchange TRX
Synchronise retail store sales to The Exchange TRX Mall system
Queensbay Mall
Synchronise retail store sales to Queensbay Mall system
Pavilion Kuala Lumpur
Synchronise retail store sales to Pavilion Kuala Lumpur Mall system
Product Label
Customize your own product label on each of your product. 在每個產品上自行定義產品的標籤。
Announcement Bar
An announcement bar that displays custom promotions or store updates to gain visibility on your important messages. 公告欄
Option Picker
Customize Option Picker to let customers make their extra choices when checkout. 自定義選項選擇器,讓客戶在結帳時做出額外的選擇。
Message Box
Let your customers write message to buyer to receipien before placing an order. 允許您的客戶在下訂單之前向發送留言。
Help Center
Enhance your customer support with an integrated knowledge base
Product Description Tabs
Customize your product descriptions in a few clicks away. 只需點擊幾下即可自定義您的產品描述。
Product Rating
Allow to customer comments and rate product in your website. 允許客戶在網站中對產品進行評分。
Add wishlist button on your website for customer add items to their wishlist. 在您的網站中添加願望清單按鈕,以便客戶可以將想要的產品添加到願望清單中。
Intuit QuickBooks
Sync your store orders to your QuickBooks account and generate financial reports with a few clicks
Image Watermark
Protecting your photos with custom watermarks. Add watermarks to all your photos in a second.
Contact Form Plus
Customize your own contact form that you desire 自訂您想要的聯絡表格
Disqus offers the best add-on tools and service for web comments and discussions to increase engagement.
Date/Time Picker 日期/時間選擇器
Date/time picker allows your customers to pick the date or time they prefer for you to deliver the order.
Discount Timer
Use the Countdown Timer and boost sales even more by adding a countdown time to your schedules sales!
Snow Fall
Add snow effect at your store
Age Verifier 限制級網站警告
Provides age verification pop-up to alert the visitors and prevent under-age visitors entering your site.
BuyNow button 立即購買
The Buy Now button allows your customers to buy your product straight from the product page instead of add to cart page.
Senang Insurance
Senang is Malaysia first on-demand insurance technology platform catered towards e-commerce economy.
Product Star Rating 商品評價
Increase potential buyers trust with Product Star Rating's beautiful and engaging 5-star ratings. 商品評價能夠幫助您去提高了潛在消費者的信任度
Sales Pop
Sales Pop displays recent sales notification automatically in your online store. Sales Pop 會在您的在線商店中自動顯示最近的銷售通知。
OnVoard AOV Progress Bar
Use progress bar to boost average order value (AOV).
OnVoard Back In Stock
Recover out-of-stock revenue by notifying customers when products are back-in-stock.
Smartarget Whatsapp - Contact Us
Allow customers to contact you using Whatsapp
OnVoard Reviews
Turn customer voice into marketing engine.