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Contact Form Plus | EasyStore

Contact Form Plus

開發者: EasyStore

Customize your own contact form that you desire 自訂您想要的聯絡表格

Contact form plus makes it possible for merchants to collect the survey responses from their own customers by using their own customized contact form.

  • 100% Customizable: Add text fields, text area, dropdowns, checkboxes and more. Then choose your own background colour, text colour and button design. Edit right in your EasyStore control panel, with no coding or programming required.

  • Automatic Email Notifications: Automatically receive email notifications when someone completes your form. You can start to get in touch with your customers.

  • Mobile Optimized: Mobile responsive design means your form will automatically adjust to different screen sizes on any computer, tablet or phone.

Create a customize contact form page in your store by installing this app, visitors/customers with questions or feedback can contact you directly through the contact form. An email will send to you and the visitor/customer, communications can follow up through your mail.

Contact Form Plus是能個讓每個到訪您的官網的訪客能夠簡單方便地透過填寫表單來與您取得聯繫。這些客戶可以不用透過寄送E-mail的方式來找到您,他們只需進入聯繫表單並填上自己想要諮詢的問題與需求,就能自動寄送到您的指定信箱中,簡略其中的聯繫流程之餘也更方便您好好管理這些來自客戶的E-mail。

為何應該要使用Contact Form?

  • 100%客製化:您能夠直接在EasyStore後台中進行編輯,無需編碼或編程知識!新增文本字段、文本區域、下拉選單、複選框等。 然後選擇您自己的背景顏色、文本顏色和按鈕設計。

  • 電子郵件自動通知:當有人填寫您的表格時,您將會接收到電子郵件通知, 並從中與您的客戶取得聯繫。

  • 行動裝置優化:行動響應式設計意味著您的表單將在任何電腦、平板或手機等裝置上自動調整到不同的屏幕尺寸。