EasyParcel x EasyStore
How EasyParcel Helps Your Business
Auto-Generated Air Waybill
The air waybill will be auto-generated once the delivery order is paid. Just print out and attach to the parcel and it’s ready for pick up/drop off.
Pick Up/Drop Off Point
Enjoy free pickup from doorstep/drop off your parcel to the nearest courier branch without waiting in the long queue.
Tracking SMS
Still sending tracking numbers to receivers manually? We’re here to rescue as this can be done auto-magically upon order fulfillment.
Exclusive Promo
Build your brand with an online store
Empower your brand with a robust online presence. Our platform offers tools designed for ease of use and maximum impact, allowing you to craft an unforgettable digital storefront.
Eliminate the lines between online
and offline
A good strategy cannot succeed without the right tools. We prioritize both online and offline equally, ensuring consistency in the experience for customers and staff. This brings the business to the next level.
使用 EasyStore 之後,銷售就變成簡化了,等於是在自己的官網銷售,就會有自己的企圖。這樣一個好處就是能讓消費者覺得我們是相對來說較有規模的公司,而不僅僅是掛在賣場上售賣而已。我覺得透過官網經營自己的品牌,對於消費者的忠誠度會有一定的影響。
Madoca 瑪朵卡 Giant — 創辦人 -
預算對於創業初期來說真的非常重要,所以非常推薦 EasyStore 給一開始預算不多的新手商家,不用煩惱太多,也不需要語法知識。我本身也推薦了好幾位朋友一起使用 EasyStore,大家一致認為 EasyStore 做出來的官網很專屬於自己的品牌,完全看不出來是套版做的。
The 3rd Glance Maggie — 創辦人