Grow your business with fast access to banking

Helping you start, grow, transform.

Apply a UOB account
Grow your business with fast access to banking | EasyStore

Stay on top of your business

  • Few clicks to apply an account

    Scan and tap to apply an account right away, no heavy integration needed throughout the process.

  • Quick payment with UOB Duitnow

    Customers just need to scan your UOB QR code and click Pay, speeding up check-out process.

  • Cross border collection

    Serve and receive payment from international customers such as Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia.

Stay on top of your business | EasyStore

EasyStore Plans

Built for all sizes of businesses

Pay monthly
Pay yearly (save 20%)*
Most Popular


Get your ecommerce started

Try for Free
  • No transaction fees
  • Up to 5 sales channels
  • Up to 5 user accounts
  • Up to 10 app integrations
  • Online Store
  • Social commerce channels
  • Live commerce channels
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Reward credit


Multi-channels selling made easy

Try for Free
  • No transaction fees
  • Up to 10 sales channels
  • Up to 10 user accounts
  • Up to 25 app integrations
  • Online Store
  • Social commerce channels
  • Live commerce channels
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Referral program
  • Phone number account
  • Messages broadcast & inbox
  • Reward credit & vouchers
  • Membership points & tiers


Future-proof unified commerce

Try for Free
  • No transaction fees
  • Up to 10 sales channels
  • Up to 10 user accounts
  • Up to 25 app integrations
  • Up to 5 inventory locations
  • Online Store
  • Point-of-Sale
  • Shopping App
  • Social commerce channels
  • Live commerce channels
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Referral program
  • Phone number account
  • Messages broadcast & inbox
  • Reward credit & vouchers
  • Membership points & tiers


Future-proof unified commerce

Contact Us
for custom pricing
Contact Us
  • No transaction fees
  • Unlimited sales channels
  • Unlimited user accounts
  • Unlimited app integrations
  • Unlimited inventory locations
  • Online Store
  • Point-of-Sale
  • Shopping App
  • Social commerce channels
  • Live commerce channels
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Referral program
  • Phone number account
  • Messages broadcast & inbox
  • Reward credit & vouchers
  • Membership points & tiers
  • Custom API integration

Inspiring merchant stories

  • Art of Salmó | EasyStore
    EasyStore's intuitive design tools have allowed us to craft an online store that not only looks great but is also tailored to our customers' needs, enhancing their overall shopping experience.
    Art of Salmó Phyllis Teh — Founder
  • Baron & Co | EasyStore
    EasyStore allows me to manage our ecommerce efficiently from my mobile phone, improving our responsiveness and providing a superior customer experience.
    Baron & Co Rosalyn — Brand Founder

Our merchants made 2,823,652,351 in sales

50K+ merchants & brands
30+ countries & regions
100+ app integrations
80+ industry partners

Connect with our team

Ready to transform your retail experience? Fill out the form to chat with us, schedule a demo, or get in touch with our team. Let’s make unified commerce a reality for your business.