Grow your business with fast access to banking

Helping you start, grow, transform.

Apply a UOB account
Grow your business with fast access to banking | EasyStore

Stay on top of your business

  • Few clicks to apply an account

    Scan and tap to apply an account right away, no heavy integration needed throughout the process.

  • Quick payment with UOB Duitnow

    Customers just need to scan your UOB QR code and click Pay, speeding up check-out process.

  • Cross border collection

    Serve and receive payment from international customers such as Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia.

Stay on top of your business | EasyStore

EasyStore Plans

Built for all sizes of businesses

Pay monthly
Pay yearly (save 20%)*


Get your ecommerce started

Try for Free
  • No transaction fees
  • Up to 5 sales channels
  • Up to 5 user accounts
  • Up to 10 app integrations
  • Online Store
  • Social commerce channels
  • Live commerce channels
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Reward credit


Multi-channels selling made easy

Try for Free
  • No transaction fees
  • Up to 10 sales channels
  • Up to 10 user accounts
  • Up to 25 app integrations
  • Online Store
  • Social commerce channels
  • Live commerce channels
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Referral program
  • Phone number account
  • Messages broadcast & inbox
  • Reward credit & vouchers
  • Membership points & tiers
Most Popular


Future-proof unified commerce

Try for Free
  • No transaction fees
  • Up to 10 sales channels
  • Up to 10 user accounts
  • Up to 25 app integrations
  • Up to 5 inventory locations
  • Online Store
  • Point-of-Sale
  • Shopping App
  • Social commerce channels
  • Live commerce channels
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Referral program
  • Phone number account
  • Messages broadcast & inbox
  • Reward credit & vouchers
  • Membership points & tiers


Future-proof unified commerce

Contact Us
for custom pricing
Contact Us
  • No transaction fees
  • Unlimited sales channels
  • Unlimited user accounts
  • Unlimited app integrations
  • Unlimited inventory locations
  • Online Store
  • Point-of-Sale
  • Shopping App
  • Social commerce channels
  • Live commerce channels
  • Marketplace integrations
  • Referral program
  • Phone number account
  • Messages broadcast & inbox
  • Reward credit & vouchers
  • Membership points & tiers
  • Custom API integration

Inspiring merchant stories

  • fourjei | EasyStore
    EasyStore's sales analytics have not only simplified our order processing but also enhanced our understanding of customer preferences, helping us improve their shopping experience.
    fourjei Ngoo Sze Jie — Brand Founder
  • Darasara | EasyStore
    EasyStore has simplified our operations by organizing customer data from various platforms, significantly improving our customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
    Darasara Raushan Yuzer — Brand Founder

Our merchants made 2,823,652,351 in sales

50K+ merchants & brands
30+ countries & regions
100+ app integrations
80+ industry partners

Connect with our team

Ready to transform your retail experience? Fill out the form to chat with us, schedule a demo, or get in touch with our team. Let’s make unified commerce a reality for your business.