Integrate with Customers' Favourite Malls
Customers shop across multiple channels
In today's omnichannel buying environment, it's crucial to ensure your business is visible across all relevant channels where customers discover, compare, review, and purchase products.
Empower each outlet with digital capabilities
Retail outlets possess unique experiential advantages that e-commerce cannot replicate. Enhance each outlet with digital capabilities to forge stronger customer relationships.
Foster returning sales and greater profit margin
Since it costs about seven times (7X) more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one, directing your marketing efforts towards familiar customers rather than new ones is financially sensible.
Eliminate the lines between online
and offline
A good strategy cannot succeed without the right tools. We prioritize both online and offline equally, ensuring consistency in the experience for customers and staff. This brings the business to the next level.
Minimize capital investment in your expansions
A unified solution not only optimizes your resources but also increases the flexibility of your strategies. Move fast and expand swiftly with the right tools to help you outpace the competition.
借助統一的後台管理系統,不僅能優化運營效率,而且通過落實統一客戶體驗 (UCX) 策略,在客戶的旅程中,提供更加個性化和滿意的服務。這種全方位的統一運營策略,確保了客戶在與您品牌每個接觸點的互動上,都能感受到一致性和高質量的體驗。
預算對於創業初期來說真的非常重要,所以非常推薦 EasyStore 給一開始預算不多的新手商家,不用煩惱太多,也不需要語法知識。我本身也推薦了好幾位朋友一起使用 EasyStore,大家一致認為 EasyStore 做出來的官網很專屬於自己的品牌,完全看不出來是套版做的。
The 3rd Glance Maggie — 創辦人 -
非常推薦 EasyStore 給電商新手,尤其有商品及金物流整合需求的人,都很適合使用。在 EasyStore 這邊有專業的團隊協助,出現任何問題都能隨時與客服反映,金流和物流很方便,商品上架的部分也很喜歡。總的來說,使用 EasyStore 下來能夠減去很多不必要的手動工作。
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