Accept more orders via WhatsApp
Turn your WhatsApp conversation into sales
by accepting orders directly through the order form
The Order Form that sells
A simple products display layout makes any customer will know how to buy your products straight away via WhatsApp.
You can also collect payments and gather customer information in a fast, easy and reliable way.
How WhatsApp order form works
Auto-collect order details
Order form skips the time-consuming work of collecting customer's shipping address, payment receipt, customer information and etc. All information is automatically stored which enables you to access, review, and learn customers’ spending behaviour.
Target different customers
The order form is accessible by customers from any platform. Tailoring order forms that associate to customers' interest able to increase the chance to place an order. You can have different targeted sets of products that matched their preferences to motivate their buying intention.
Encourage repeat purchases
The ability to understand your customer often follows by greater customer satisfaction. Hence, the purchase history makes it easier to sell to the same customer again, as this allows you to tailor the order form according to their previous shopping behaviour.
Essential Features of Whatsapp Order Form
Fact About WhatsApp>
More than 400 million users are using WhatsApp, and the daily average daily time spend has exceeded 4 hours, giving an opportunity for businesses to communicate and sell to their customer on WhatsApp.
3 Modes of Order Form
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KIVAS 療癒生活 Raymond & Ana — 創辦人